Hi and welcome to my blog site. Please enjoy the journey through Japan - The Land of the Rising Sun!

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About Student Ambassadors
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Kyoto - June 21, 22
Hiroshima - June 23
Gifu - June 24, 25
Hakone - June 26
Chiba Home Stay - June 27, 28, 29
Tokyo - June 30, July 1, 2

Day 4 and 5!!!

On day 4 we left Hiroshima and took a ferry to Myajima Island. At the island we saw the Shinto Shrine. On the island there are a lot of deer and they aren't afraid of humans! So when I went to the island I actually got to touch the deer! I took some pictures with them too! After the island we got on the Bullet Train and went to the Nagaragawa Sports Plaza. Its also a hotel with Japanese and Western style rooms.
After we got settled in we walked down to the river and watched these men use Comoran birds to fish with. They put a small metal ring around the birds throat, this keeps the birds from swallowing the fish. Then they tie some strings around the birds body to keep them from flying away. Once all of that is done they dress in the traditional outfit and let the birds fish. Thats all that happened on day 4!!!
Day 5!!! So day 5 was more eventful than day 4. First we went to an old village in Takayama. The village had this beautiful pond with coy fish and a swan. We got to feed them and everything! Then we walked around for 30 minutes and went back to the bus. Once we had finished with that we got to explore the marketplace and I saw some very interesting things. Our guide Naoko gave us 2 hours to walk around and buy things.
We made rice cakes and saw a museum later on after the marketplace. Once we had arrived back at the museum and saw a man do some more Comoran fishing. I got to touch the birds and took some great pictures!!!! After he left with his birds we saw a drum show inside. The people who did the drum show had little kids about 8-13 in the show too!!! I was amazed because they also had two other little girls who appeared to be 6 and 7 doing it also!!! I couldn't film it because my camera was going dead, but I did take pictures of it.